Course overview

Cements: A Sticky Situation

Cementation is often treated as an afterthought, but in this course you will learn how to plan ahead to make the best decisions in regards to dental cements. The course will cover cement selection and proper usage, cementation for implants, as well as common complications and how to avoid them. After this course you will feel confident choosing the right cement for every procedure you perform!
Learning Format

Self-paced videos

1 CE Credit

After a brief quiz at course end

Who will benefit most from this course?





50 minutes

Purchase Options

$50 for course or $480 for all courses (yearly subscription)

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Your expert instructor

Dr. Patricia Swanson

Dr. Patricia Swanson is a board certified prosthodontist and the Director of Predoctoral Prosthodontics at Stony Brook University. She achieved her Doctor of Dental Surgery at University at Buffalo, where she graduated summa cum laude before continuing her education and earning her certificate in advanced speciality education in Prosthodontics from Stony Brook University. Dr. Swanson has performed research in dental cements, dental implants, and has a special interest in removable prosthodontics.
She is especially gratified by her students’ success and achievements. Dr. Swanson is known as a talented and passionate educator, whether in preclinic, clinic, or continuing education. She maintains a faculty practice in prosthodontics in Stony Brook, New York.