Course overview

Dental Assistant Curriculum Level 1

In this course, your will learn everything you need to get you started on the journey to become a rockstar DA! Everything from being a leader on your team, to all the basic clinical knowledge you need, you don't want to miss out on the nuggets of info throughout this whole course!
Learning format

Self-paced videos

1 CE Credit

After a brief quiz at course end

Who will benefit most from this course?

Dental Assistants


Dental Assistant


2 hours

Purchase Options

$50 for course or $480 for all courses (yearly subscription)

Write your awesome label here.
Meet your Expert Lecturer

Ronda Holman, Co-Founder of DA Rockstars Podcast

Co-founder of the DA Rockstars Podcast, speaker, and fierce dental assistant, Ronda Holman is looking to help her fellow dental assistants up their game. Her mantra of Do Better, Be Better and passion for growing together as a FIERCE Community is unrivaled.