Course overview

Sleep Coaching in the Dental Practice

Approximately 29 Million Americans have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and most of them have no idea that you can help. Up to Over 80% of these people are undiagnosed, and the majority of them lack information about oral appliance therapy as an option. It's no wonder they turn to Google and Social Media every day for "help." These patients are in your practice, and they need help from a professional. They also need a little coaching to get them through the process. In this course you'll learn how sleep coach improves patient outcomes; pathways to becoming credentialed and implementing sleep coaching to grow your practice; and how a sleep coach saves chair time and increases revenue.
Learning format

Self-paced videos

1 CE Credit

After a brief quiz at course end

Who will benefit most from this course?

Dentists and Practice managers




1 hour


$50 for course or $480 for all courses (yearly subscription)

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Meet your Expert Lecturer

Teresa DeNike

Teresa DeNike is the founder Sleep Better NYC, a company for sleep coaching and care coordination. She has a board certification in clinical sleep health with an expertise in dental sleep medicine and sleep hygiene.
With over 14 years of experience in the healthcare industry, she has worked with hundreds of dentists and physicians. She is excited to sharing information about sleep to successfully treat more sleep patients. Contact her directly via email